
Jan. 29th--Sustainable happiness

Sustainable happiness

I list all the important points of this lecture.  
Happiness research overlooks interdependent and interconnected nature of humans
      People, other species, nature
  Catherine O’Brien, Cape Breton University
      Connection to sustainability
      Activities that are better for the earth can make us happier
      Deep and lasting happiness
Sustainable happiness concepts
   Genuine Wealth
“Happiness that contributes to individual, community, and/or global well-being and does not exploit other people, the environment, or future generations.” (O’Brien, 2008)
Sustainable happiness links happiness and sustainability together, it reinforces the fact that we are interdependent with one another and the natural environment – that our mutual well-being is intercoplation.

Happiness exercises
  sustainable happiness course
  natural highs
     rain on a tin roof
     watching a child sleep
     smell of forest
     hearing a loon on the lake
     sun on your face
     experiencing the northern lights
     happening across wildlife

The sustainable happiness chart.

I use this chart for two days, and try to record all the happy things of my life. I feel I can be happier when I use this chart. 
http://sustainablehappiness.ca/ This video is the sustainable happiness of Catherine O'brien. 
After I watched it I found out the emotion of happy is also an useful resource. It also need to be maintained and protect by us. It is not like food, oil, water or wood. It is an emotion which everybody needed.  

